Sistema Mikrowellen-Reiskocher | 2,6 L | spülmaschinenfest kleiner Reiskocher | BPA

The Sistema 2. 6 L microwave rice steamer makes it simple to cook rice, polenta and cous. The steamer comes with a pressure chamber plate, lid with cool to touch, easy lift tabs and a non-stick rice spoon. Featuring distinctive Sistema KLIP IT easy locking clips. Steam release vent in lid for splatter-free heating. Product dimensions: (W : H): 21. 6 cm x 16. 4 cm.Cooking guidelines for four average portions are included with product. When steaming rice, timing and water level should be adjusted according to grain type, microwave power setting and desired moisture. For specialty rice such as wild rice or brown rice, refer to cooking instructions on the packaging as a general guideline.
